Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is held in our church every Saturday from 8:30am – 9:30am. All are welcome.
“The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth.”
– Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Prayer of Adoration of the Eucharist
My Lord Jesus Christ, I adore you in all the tabernacles of the world. I offer you my life in reparation for the sins against the Blessed Sacrament, the unworthy communions, disrespect, lack of reverence in your churches, and countless other sins against your most Holy Body and Blood. Please, my Lord, increase my faith in your Eucharistic presence so that my devotion may be fanned into a flame of love of you and that I may go into the world to proclaim your kingdom. I ask this of your mercy in your Holy Name. Amen.
The Rosary
The Rosary is prayed Monday – Friday mornings at 6:30, Saturday mornings at 7:30 & Wednesday evenings at 6:00. For instructions on how to pray the Rosary click here.

The Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross are typically prayed during the Season of Lent. In Wallingford the Stations of the Cross take place at a different church each Friday evening at 7:00pm during Lent. A complete schedule will be posted as time gets closer. The Living Stations of the Cross is held here at the Church of the Resurrection on the Friday evening of Palm Sunday weekend at 7:30pm.