Our commitment is to assist parents in developing within their children a strong Catholic faith.
Parents are the most important part of any program and their involvement is the key factor in all that we do in Faith Formation.
In order to reinforce basic Christian values, each family is encouraged to discuss class materials every week.
Regular participation in this program provides a positive learning experience, active participation in our parish community and guidance toward becoming a witness to Christ.
Each session is designed to develop a child’s love and respect for God and help him/her to form a warm and loving personal relationship with Jesus, as well as a comfortable feeling about the church community.
It is also necessary to give the child a firm factual basis in our Catholic Religion. We therefore provide a structured Program in the areas of Prayer, Sacraments, Commandments and Creed.
At each grade level, the student is responsible for learning specific material as part of his/her continuing course of study.
Grades 1 -5 use the Gospel Weekly Program. More information and parental resources may be found by clicking this link.
Grades 6 – 8 are Confirmation Preparation years.