But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; And the two will become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.
Mark 10:6-9
Congratulations on your engagement!

Matrimony is a sacrament which the bride and groom administer to each other. The priest or deacon, as official representative of the Church, is the chief witness to the sacrament.
By it sacramental nature, marriage is a permanent union: “What God has joined no one must separate” (Mark 10:9). The Sacrament of Marriage is more than a legal contract; it is the mystical joining of two individuals into one.
In order for the Sacrament of Marriage to be valid, the bride and groom must understand fully the union that they are entering. Both the bride and groom must enter marriage with the understanding that it is a lifelong commitment.
Wedding Preparation
1. Pre-Martial Investigation (PMI):
A meeting with the priest or pastoral associate should be scheduled no later than 6 months before the date of the Wedding. Please call the rectory (203-265-1694) to schedule this meeting.
Couples should bring recent copies of their Baptismal Certificates. (Baptismal certificates can be obtained by calling the church in which your Baptism took place. If the Baptism took place at the Church of the Resurrection you need not get copy).
A record of all other sacraments you have received should also be brought to this meeting. (ie. First Communion and Confirmation)
2. Engaged Couple Conference:
Couples will need to attend an Engaged Couple Conference. Conferences are held several times throughout the year at different locations in the Archdiocese of Hartford. Click here for dates and registration. https://www.hartfordmarriage.com/engaged-encounter-2/
3. FACET Survey:
No later than 2 months before the wedding date, couples will need to make an appointment to take the FACET Survey. Through a variety of questions, this survey allows couples the chance to reflect upon important issues that will become a part of their married lives. After the survey is completed it is sent out to be compiled.
4. FACET Review and Liturgy Planning:
Once the results of the FACET Survey are returned to the church, the couple will be contacted and an appointment to review the survey will be scheduled.
In addition to the FACET review, couples will use this meeting to plan their Wedding Liturgy. A packet of information including Scripture reading choices and music choices will be given out at the initial meeting.
5. Wedding Rehearsal:
The wedding rehearsal usually takes place the night before the wedding at a time convenient for the couple and the church staff. It is very important that the couple obtain a marriage license from the Wallingford Town Hall and bring it with them to the Wedding Rehearsal. Marriage licenses can be obtained at least 60 days from the wedding date.

Miscellaneous Information
It is up to the bride and groom to supply flowers for their wedding. The church does have 4 flower pedestals that couples may use. Please make arrangements ahead of time if you will be using them. It would be greatly appreciated if the flowers used at the church could be left in the church after the wedding ceremony to be used as decorations for the weekend Masses.
A runner is optional. If couples decide to use a runner it is their responsibility to supply it. The middle aisle of the church is 60 feet long.
Unity Candle:
A Unity Candle is also optional and the responsibility of the couple to supply. If a Unity Candle is going to be used, please bring it to the wedding rehearsal.
The music of the Wedding Ceremony should reflect the Sacrament of Marriage. Because the ceremony is taking place in a sacred space and usually as part of a Mass, only appropriate sacred music will be permitted. All questions regarding music should be directed to the director of music. The church organist will play at your wedding. If a couple prefers to hire their own organist o they will be responsible for a $200.00 bench fee. Other instrumentalists and vocalists can be hired.
For couples who have been married outside of the Church and would like information on how to get their Marriage validated, please call the rectory (203) 265-1694 and we would be happy to work with you.