MASS SCHEDULEAll are invited to join us for Mass either in-person or
virtually.Weekend Masses are held on Saturdays at 5:00pm and Sundays at 7:30,
9:00 & 10:30.The Sunday evening Mass at 5:00 will resume in the
future.Sunday Mass will be live-streamed on FACEBOOK each Sunday at 10:30am.The
church Facebook page is Resurrection Church. The Mass will be uploaded to
YouTube around 12:00pm each Sunday.Also, Mass can be seen on the Wallingford
Public Access Channel WPAA(Comcast channel 18) at 6:00pm & 9:30pm. FAITH
FORMATION NEWSCompleted textbooks should be returned to the church during the
first week of May.Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
(203)265-1694Child Lures forms must be returned to the rectory by May 1st.
Please click here for more information. FIRST COMMUNION CLASS SCHEDULEMonday,
April 5th: 4:45 – 5:45 – classMonday, April 12th – NO CLASS (April Vacation
Week)Monday, April 19th: 4:45 – 5:45 – last classMonday, April 26th: 4:45 – 6:00
First Communion Rehearsal (students only)Monday, May 3rd: 4:45 – 6:00 – First
Communion Rehearsal (students only)Thursday, May 6th: First Communion Rehearsal
(students and parents)GRADE 9 – Confirmation ClassMay 2nd – 5:00pm – 6:30pm
RAFFLEOur annual parish raffle is currently taking place. Raffle tickets were
mailed out. If you did not receive tickets and would like to sell a booklet,
please call the rectory at 203-265-1694 or stop by the sacristy after Mass this
weekend. The drawing will take place on Sunday, April 25th at 11:30am. Thank you
for your support and continued generosity.PARISH CARNIVAL The
carnival WILL go on this year! The dates of the carnival will be Wednesday, June
9th through Saturday, June 12th. More information will be forthcoming as time
gets closer. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULEHoly Thursday, April 1st – 7:00pmGood
Friday, April 2nd – 3:00pmHoly Saturday Mass at 8:00pmEaster Sunday: 7:30, 9:00
& 10:30 MassesGOLF TOURNAMENT – SAVE THE DATE!Our annual parish Golf
Tournament will be held on Monday, June 14th.This year the tournament will be
held at a new location….THE WALLINGFORD COUNTRY CLUB.More information will be