
February Newsletter

& 5February 6 – classesFebruary 13 – classesFebruary 20 – NO CLASSESFebruary
27 – classes​Tuesdays : Grades 3 & 4February 7 – classesFebruary 14 –
classesFebruary 21 – NO CLASSESFebruary 28 – classes​Grades 7 & 8Sunday,
February 5 – 6:00pm – 7:00pm​Confirmation Retreat – Grade 9Saturday, February
4 – 11:00am – 3:30pm​First Reconciliation – Grade 2Wednesday, February 8th at
6:30pm​_________________________________________________​​LADIES GUILD –
Mardi Gras PartyTuesday, February 21st from 6:00pm – 8:00pmAppetizers, desserts,
beverages and bingo​The cost is $10.00. There is a sign-up sheet in the
vestibule of the church. For more information, call Judy Tatta
CARNIVALWednesday, May 10 – Saturday, May 13More information regarding
volunteering for the carnival will be forthcoming.​Basket RaffleWe are once
again seeking donations of gift baskets for the Basket Raffle at the
carnival.The maximum gift value per basket is $100.00.Please attach a list to
the outside of the basket with a the contents in the basket and the estimated
value.Baskets need to be brought to the church no later than Sunday, April
16th.Get creative with themed baskets. THANK YOU FOR YOUR
SUPPORT!!_________________________________________________________HEALTH AND
WELLNESS COMMITTEEThe Committee would like to thank everyone who has had their
blood pressure taken over the last two years. This service has been offered
because of requests provided by your responses to the Medical Needs Survey. The
Committee would like to invite any parishioner interested in expanding ideas for
additional programs to the next meeting on March 8th at 6:00pm in the church
conference room. Feel free to call the rectory with any questions or comments.
WEDNESDAY – February 22nd ​Mass with Ashes: 7:00am​Liturgy of the Word &
Ashes: 12:10, 3:30 &
LEAGUE MEETING/DINNERTuesday, February 7th at 6:30 in the church basementSteamed
Cheeseburgers are on the menu!​​​