May Newsletter
Dear Friends, It has been over a month now since public Masses have been
suspended. To say that Holy Week and Easter were very different this year would
be an understatement. Hopefully you have been able to watch Mass virtually on
Facebook and/or YouTube. We know it’s not the same, but at least we have these
social media platforms to keep us connected to one another. All of us here at
the Church of the Resurrection continue to pray for your good health and safety
during this pandemic. Please pray for us as well. Let’s hope that sometime, very
soon, we will be able to gather together again in our beloved church to
celebrate the greatest of all prayers; the Mass. Many thanks to all who so
generously continue to support our parish during this difficult time. Also,
thank you to those who supported our parish raffle this year… even without the
carnival. Again, we can’t thank you enough! May God’s continued blessing come
upon you and your families now and forever.PUBLIC MASSES All Public Masses
continue to be suspended throughout the month of May.Sunday Mass will continue
to be streamed live on Facebook at 10:30am. If you have Facebook account, you
should have access to the Mass. those
who do not have a Facebook account, the Mass will be uploaded to YouTube shortly
after the livestream is over. Here’s the link.
& RECTORY HOURSThe church continues to be open daily for private prayer from
8:00am – 5:00pm. All are welcome to stop by and pay a visit.The rectory office
hours are Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 1:00pm. PARISH CARNIVAL & RAFFLEA
heartfelt thank you to all those who supported our raffle this year. Even though
we could not have the carnival, the raffle was a tremendous. First Prize Winner
– Amber HoudeSecond Prize Winner – Jacki BarbatoThird Prize Winner – Stan
SypekFourth Prize Winner – Robert SullivanFifth Prize Winner – Tim
TaylorCongratulations to the winners!Church Website Our church website has
had a substantial overhaul. When you have some free time, please take a look at
the website. Hopefully you will find it helpful, easy to navigate, and very
informative. The website address is www.resurrectionct.orgOFFERTORY
COLLECTIONMany people have been inquiring about turning in offertory envelopes
or contributing to the church during this time when public masses are suspended.
If you desire to do so, offertory envelopes can be mailed to the rectory, they
can be brought to the rectory during office hours (Monday – Friday from 9:00 –
1:00) or they can be left in the raffle return box in the vestibule of the
church. Another option would be to sign up for ONLINE GIVING. To sign up, click
on the link. ALIVE IN
CHRIST FAITH FORMATIONAll Faith Formation Classes have ended for the remainder
of the school-year. We are asking that all students continue following along in
their Alive in Christ books. Please complete the chapter reviews at the end of
each chapter up to Chapter 20. Completed assignments should be turned in no
later than June 1st. There will be boxes in the vestibule with grade numbers on
them.First Communion, originally scheduled for May 9th has been postponed to
October 17th. Detailed information has ben sent out to second grade parents.
Grades 7 & 8Completed assignments for students in grades 7 & 8 should
also be returned to the church by June 1st. Confirmation ClassConfirmation
sessions are done for the remainder of the school-year. Information regarding a
date for Confirmation and a rehearsal schedule will be forthcoming. The
Sacrament of Confirmation will be held sometime early Fall. Golf
TournamentUnfortunately our annual Golf Tournament will not take place this
year. Due to the uncertainty of when the State of Connecticut will reopen, we
have decided to cancel the tournament. The date for the 2021 Golf Tournament
will be June 7th. Save the date now!Easter Flower DonationsThank you to the
following people for contributing to our Easter Flowers.Honor of Peyton Rose
McLaughlin Jim & Diane McLaughlin In MemoryDave & Judy Baker Ireland
& Baker Families Bauer Family John & Dorothy Kellerman Mary Ann
BirbigliaSue Brosnan Bob & Hazel Brosnan Leonita Carrano Carrano FamilyJoan
Gillooly Gillooly & Massini FamiliesTomas Hughes Jr. Thomas Costa, Reynolds
Family & Hughes FamilyDon & Pat Lee Helen & Randy Gavette &
Marion & Donald Lee Sr.Marianne Pat & Carmella FedericiJohanne McLean
Donia & McLean FamiliesJim & Diane McLaughlin Brunetto & McLaughlin
FamiliesGerry & Ken Mele Lucarelli & Mele FamiliesCarolyn Moredock
Stephen & Lillian CominskyElise Plocharczyk Michael, Elizabeth & Walter
PlocharczykJohn & Mary Ellen Skorzewski Skorzewski & Murphy FamiliesAnn
Williams James Williams Feel free to call the rectory (203) 265-1694 if you
need anything.
Church of the ResurrectionChurch of the