
May Newsletter

FAITH FORMATION NEWSCompleted textbooks should be returned to the church during
the month of May. There will be a box in the vestibule for you to drop your
completed books in. Please make sure your child’s name is visible on the
book.Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. (203)
265-1694Information about next school year’s Faith Formation Schedule will be
forthcoming. Child Lures forms must be returned to the rectory by the end of
May.Please click here for more information.Thank you for your cooperation.FIRST
COMMUNION REHEARSAL SCHEDULEMonday, May 3rd: 4:45 – 6:00 (students
only)Thursday, May 6th: 6:30 – 8:00 (students and at least one parent)First
Communion Mass: Saturday, May 8th at
10:00am._________________________________________________PARISH CARNIVALThe
carnival WILL be held on Wednesday, June 9th through Saturday, June 12th.Help
will be needed. Please keep an eye out for future emails and bulletin
announcements.________________________________________________GOLF TOURNAMENT
Monday, June 14th 8:30amTHE WALLINGFORD COUNTRY CLUB.For registration
information click here.To become a sponsor for the tournament click here.
FORWARDAre you interested in moving forward after suffering a loss?Are you alone
and would like to spend some time with people who share a similar situation?A
new parish group has formed to help those that are alone move forward with their
lives. Both men and women are welcome to join. All are encouraged tobring
thoughts and ideas of how this group can help you.Please contact Francine Madar
at 203-269-5342 for more information.​​