Caring for those in Nursing Homes During a PandemicA Confirmation Service
ProjectOur Confirmation class will be putting together gift bags for the
patients at Quinnipiac Valley Nursing in Wallingford. Any help you can give in
obtaining these items would be much appreciated. Items can be dropped off in the
vestibule of the church in the box labeled “Nursing Home Project” by Sunday,
March 7th. Items needed for the gift bags are as follows:Hand lotionHard
candiesChocolate & vanilla pudding cups3 Musketeers candy barsMilky Way
candy barsLap blanketsChicken Soup for the Soul BooksNature MagazinesDeck of
cardspuzzlescrossword puzzles (large print)Search-a-word puzzlespads of
papercolored pencils & sharpeners