INFORMATION ABOUT PUBLIC MASSES Public weekday & weekend Masses have
resumed. DAILY MASS: Monday – Friday 7:00am & Saturday 8:00amWEEKEND MASSES:
Saturday 5:00pm & Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30Sunday 5:00pm Mass will
resume soon. Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:00 – 4:45pm.Sunday
Mass will continue to be streamed live on Facebook at 10:30am. If you have
Facebook account, you should have access to the Mass. those who do not have a Facebook
account, the Mass will be uploaded to our website shortly
after the livestream is over. ALIVE IN CHRIST FAITH
COVID-19 pandemic, our Faith Formation Program will operate differently this
coming year.All classes, with the exception of last year’s First Communion
class, will begin the year with home-school learning. Home-school learning will
continue through the end of December. Beginning in January, depending on the
pandemic situation, we will resume in-class learning. All students will be given
a schedule, from their teachers, with assignments that will need to be completed
at home. Teachers will periodically check in with students and parents via email
and/or phone calls.GRADE 3 STUDENTS – FIRST COMMUNIONFirst Communion
is set for Saturday, October 17th. There will be two Masses, one at 9:00 and the
other at 12:00. Students will resume classes in the church beginning Monday,
September 14th from 4:45 – 5:45. Detailed information was mailed out. Please
let us know if you have not received it. ** PICKING UP MATERIALS FROM
TEACHERS – SEPTEMBER 14th **We ask that parents pick up textbooks/materials
from the teachers on Monday, September 14th. To avoid large crowds, we have
staggered the times when materials should be picked up. Grade 1 & 2 –
5:00pm Grades 4 & 5 – 5:30pm Grade 6, 7, & 8 – 6:00pm If you have
children in several different grades you can pick up all materials at the same
time.CONFIRMATION CLASS – GRADE 9 The program will in January. Registration
forms were due back on August 15th. More information will be sent out as time
gets closer.CONFIRMATION – GRADE 10The Sacrament of Confirmation will be
administered on Saturday, September 26th at 10:00 and 1:00. All students should
have received a detailed schedule in the mail. Included was a form that needs to
be filled out and sent back to the church. Please do so by September 1st.Feel
free to call the rectory with any questions. (203) 265-1694KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
NEWSThe Knights of Columbus Pinta Council 5 will be holding a Benefits Seminar
on October 17, 2020 at 6:30pm. This will be an excellent opportunity for both
members and potential members to learn about the financial benefits offered by
the Knights of Columbus. The meeting will be held virtually using the
GoToMeeting application and should last 30-45 minutes.Please RSVP by October 1st
either by email to Don Lee or by calling the church office (203)
265-1694. BLESSING OF PETSThe annual Blessing of Pets will take place
on Saturday, October 3rd at 10:00am outside in front of the church.