Parish PicnicOur Parish Family Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 19th
from 11:30 – 2:00. All are invited. If you plan on coming, please fill out a
picnic form and return it this weekend. Forms are located on the bulletin tables
in church or you can click here for a form. We hope you can join us.​Faith
Formation InformationFaith Formation Classes will begin mid-September. Schedules
have been mailed out to all returning families. All new families that have
registered a child(ren) should also have received a schedule of classes. Please
call the office (203) 265-1694 or visit our website for
more information. The Sacrament of ConfirmationThe Sacrament of Confirmation for
our 10th graders will take place on Saturday, September 11th at 11:00am at the
Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford. Archbishop Leonard Blair will administer
the Sacrament. All Confirmation Candidates should arrive at the cathedral by
10:30am.Sunday 5:00 Mass to Return in OctoberBeginning Sunday, October 3rd the
5:00 Mass will resume on a trial basis. After a few weeks, if attendance
warrants it, a decision will be made whether of not to keep the Mass on a
permanent basis. MUSIC MINISTRY CALLING ALL SINGERSOn Thursday, September 23rd
our parish choir will begin a new season. The choir is in need of all voices but
especially soprano voices. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 –
8:30. The choir provides music each Sunday at the 10:30 Mass from October –
through May.If you are interested in joining or would like more information,
please see Joe after Mass or email him at josephtatta@yahoo.comHealth and
Wellness CommitteeThe Heath and Wellness Committee will offer a “Drive thru Flu
Shot Clinic” on Saturday, October 16th from 1:00 – 5:00pm. More information will
be forthcoming.There will also be a Blood Pressure Screening on Saturday,
October 9th before and after the 5:00 Mass. A private space will be provided for
your blood pressure check. You will receive a wallet card to record your
readings.Children’s Liturgy of the WorldBeginning, Sunday, October 3rd the
Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume at the 9:00 Mass. Children who want
to participate will be led to the church meeting room after the start of Mass.
They will listen to the scripture readings proclaimed in an age-appropriate
manner and learn a song or two. They will return to the church during the
Offertory. At this point masks will have to be worn while the children are
gathered together. All children in grades K – 6 are invited to attend.