UPDATED COVID-19 Protocols in ChurchAs of May 19, 2021, Archbishop Blair has
issued new directives in regards to Mass.Social distancing is no longer required
in church but masks must still be worn by all. Singing and the use of the
hymnbooks are now allowed. The collection baskets will be passed during the
Offertory.Communion will still be distributed in the hand only. Ministers will
continue to sanitize their hands before distributing Communion. The Holy Water
fonts will remain
empty.______________________________________________________FAITH FORMATION
NEWSAll completed textbooks should have been returned to the church. Plans
for the upcoming 2021 – 2022 Faith Formation year are being made. If your
child(ren) were in the program last year, you should receive registration
information in the mail in the beginning of July. For those families who do
not feel comfortable returning to in-person classes or for those with scheduling
conflicts, there will be a homeschool option offered. ** NEW REGISTRATIONS **For
children entering first grade or those new to the program, please call the
rectory (203)265-1694 or email Joe at josephtatta@yahoo.com to register your
child. New registrations should be made no later than July 1st.
_________________________________________________PARISH CARNIVALThe carnival
WILL be held on Wednesday, June 9th through Saturday, June 12th.Help is needed.
Please see the sign-up sheets in the vestibule or you can click here to sign-up
online. Any help you can give is most appreciated.
________________________________________________GOLF TOURNAMENTMonday, June 14th
8:30amTHE WALLINGFORD COUNTRY CLUB.For registration information click