
Sunday Masses Begin This Week

Important Information – Sunday Masses​We are very happy to announce that
Sunday Masses will resume THIS SUNDAY, July 5th. Below is a “phased-in” schedule
of Mass times. Sunday, July 5th – 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 (No Sat. or Sun.
5:00)Weekend of July 11/12Saturday – 5:00Sunday – 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 (no
5:00)Weekend of July 18/19Saturday – 5:00Sunday – 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 (no
5:00)​Weekend of July 25/26Saturday – 5:00Sunday – 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 (no
5:00)The Sunday 5:00pm Mass will resume in the near future.​Please be aware of
the following guidelines from Archbishop Blair.Anyone over 2 years old should
wear a mask while in the church.Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance
of the church. Please honor social distancing – The pews are marked off.If you
do not feel well, please stay home.Those who are elderly or at risk are
encouraged to stay home.Communion – If you choose to receive, please keep your
mask on while in the Communion line. Once the host is placed in your hand you
should step aside, pull the mask down and consume the host. The mask should then
be put back on while walking to your seat.The church will be sanitized after
each Mass. Live-stream Masses on Facebook and YouTube will continue throughout
the summer. Due to the holiday, there will be no Confessions on Saturday, July
4th but Confessions will resume Saturday, July 11th from 4:00 – 4:45.​​