UPDATE…..Many people are asking about the status of the 2020 Carnival in light
of the Corona Virus pandemic.The raffle will be held April 25th we cannot delay
this – Please return your tickets as soon as possible, you can always mail them
to the rectory 115 Pond Hill Road, Wallingford, CT 06492. If you have not picked
up your tickets at church, they will be mailed to you this week.The carnival is
on hold for now. We of course have several things in progress at the moment and
some additional planning tasks to come. In discussions we have found that we
must decide by April 12th, which by the way is Easter Sunday. We know that there
are bans on public gatherings, but the power of prayer sometimes changes things.
Wouldn’t it truly be a miracle for the new cases to diminish and the bans be
lifted in time for the show to go on?Let’s all pray that the spread of the virus
stops and we all return to normal real soon. Paul Bankowski,