Dear Parents,As you know, Alive in Christ Classes have been canceled for the
next two weeks. We ask that the children continue working at home with their
Alive in Christ book. Below is a list by grade and teacher.Grade 1- Perkins –
Mrs. Perkins has emailed parents directly. Tiedemann – please complete chapters
9, 10, 11, & 12Grade 2 – All parents have received a separate email and
should plan on picking up materials at the church this afternoon between 4:30 –
5:30Grade 3 – Morton – complete chapters 13,14 & 15. Besitka – complete
chapters 9, 10 & 11Grade 4 – Schleicher – Mrs. Schleicher will email parents
directly Davey – complete chapters 15 & 16Grade 5 – Colavolpe – Mrs.
Colavolpe will email parents directly Gifford – Mrs. Gifford will email parents
directlyGrade 6 – Cleary – complete chapters 15 & 16 Eastman – complete
chapters 15 & 16Thank you, so much, for your support and flexibility. You
and your families are in our thoughts and prayers.Stay well!!