
Drive-through Holy Communion

RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNIONCHRISTMAS EVEFor those who do not feel comfortable
attending Mass on Christmas because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may receive
Holy Communion on Christmas Eve from 11:00am – 12:00pm in the church parking
lot. We ask that you stay in your car and a Eucharistic Minister will come to
your car window. Communion must be received in the hand not on the tongue.
Eucharistic Ministers will be wearing masks and will sanitize their hands as
needed. We understand that many of you have not been able to attend Mass and
receive Communion because of the health risks related to the pandemic.
Hopefully, this will give you an opportunity to receive Communion. In the case
of inclement weather, Communion will be distributed inside the church.
Confessions will also be heard from 11:00 – 12:00 in the reconciliation rooms.