
Merry Christmas

If you recall your most treasured Christmas memories, almost certainly they
involve the joy of being with the ones you love. Some treasured Christmases may
have occurred during difficult years. But the memories of joy, hope and laughter
are etched in your memory and somehow you know God was with you.2020 has been a
year of surprises. For some it has been shocking while for others it has been
very painful. From the global pandemic through racial and political crises and
more, can there be any doubt that we need God more now than ever
before?Christmas reminds us that Jesus is “Emmanuel, God with us.” 2020 has
been a year of surprises. But, remember, God gave us the biggest surprise of all
in the gift of his only Son. Yes, we are indeed a rich, blessed people embraced
by God with his unconditional love. He is our source of joy and hope.I would
like to thank all of you who have done so much, given so much, and sacrificed so
much to help our parish and those in need in these critical times. Through our
Christmas Giving Tree you have brightened the hearts and lives of so many. Your
support of our on-going Food Program is truly heartwarming. Even in the face of
Covid, your support of our parish has been unwavering. This, coupled with all
you do, proclaims that Christ is alive. He lives in each of us. This is the true
spirit of Christmas.I will remember all of you in my Christmas Masses. I,
together with Fr. MacDonald, Deacon John, Joe Tatta and our entire parish staff
wish you a blessed and joyous Christmas!!!Monsignor John GeorgiaCHRISTMAS MASS
SCHEDULE​Christmas Eve 2:00pm4:00pm5:30pm​Midnight Mass
(12:00am)​Christmas Day 10:00am​Live-streamed Masses on Facebook: 4:00pm,
Midnight, & 10:00am​Drive-through Reception of Holy CommunionChristmas
Eve: 11:00am – 12:00pm​Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)Christmas Eve:
11:00am – 12:00pm​