HAPPY NEW YEAR!MASS SCHEDULEAll are invited to join us for Mass either
in-person or virtually. Weekend Masses are held on Saturdays at 5:00pm and
Sundays at 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30. The Sunday evening Mass at 5:00 will resume
in the future. Weekday Masses (Monday-Friday) are held at 7:00am & Saturday
morning at 8:00.Sunday Mass will be live-streamed on FACEBOOK each Sunday at
10:30am. The church Facebook page is Resurrection Church. Click here for the
link.The Mass will be uploaded to YouTube around 12:00pm each Sunday. Click
here for the link. Also, Mass can be seen on the Wallingford Public Access
Channel WPAA (Comcast channel 18) at 6:00pm & 9:30pm.Mass Schedule for
New Year’s Eve/Day(Mary, the Mother of God)Thursday, December 31st –
5:00pmFriday, January 1st – 10:00amAlive in Christ – Religious
EducationChildren enrolled in our Alive in Christ Religious Education program
should continue working on their textbook assignments. Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
& 8 will finish the remainder of the year at home. Completed books should be
returned by the first weekend of May.GRADE 2 The second grade class will
meet at the church beginning on Monday, January 11th from 4:45 – 5:45. A
detailed schedule will be given out at the first session. GRADE 9 –
Confirmation ClassThe Confirmation Class will meet on Sunday, January 10th from
5:00 – 6:30. A detailed schedule will be given out at the first session.