FAITH FORMATION SCHEDULEMondays: Grades 1, 2, 4 & 5March 6 – classesMarch
13 – classesMarch 20 -classesMarch 27 – classesTuesdays : Grades 3 &
4March 7 – classesMarch 14 – classesMarch – classesMarch – classesGrades 7
& 8Sunday, March 5 – 6:00pm – 7:00pmFriday, March 31st – Living Stations of
the CrossConfirmation Class – Grade 9Friday, March 31st – Living Stations of
the CrossFirst Holy Communion – Grade 2Saturday, May 6 –
CARNIVALWednesday, May 10 – Saturday, May 13 (SAVE THE DATES)Help will be
needed…….More information regarding volunteering for the carnival will be
forthcoming.Basket RaffleWe are once again seeking donations of gift baskets
for the Basket Raffle at the carnival.The maximum gift value per basket is
$100.00.Please attach a list to the outside of the basket with a the contents in
the basket and the estimated value.Baskets need to be brought to the church no
later than Sunday, April 16th.Get creative with themed baskets. THANK YOU FOR
YOUR SUPPORT!!_________________________________________________________FRIED
DOUGH DRIVE-THROUGHBack by popular demand…. in the church parking lotThe Fried
Dough Drive-through will take place on Friday, March 24th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm
or until supplies last. The cost of each fried dough will be
$5.00._____________________________________________________HEALTH AND WELLNESS
COMMITTEEThe Committee would like to invite any parishioner interested in
expanding ideas for additional programs to the next meeting on March 8th at
6:00pm in the church conference room. Feel free to call the rectory with any
questions or comments.
STATIONS OF THE CROSSFriday, March 31st from 7:30pm – 8:30pmAll are invited
to join us for this special presentation of our Lord’s Passion, Death &
Resurrection. The Living Stations will be re-enacted by members of our parish
family and the music will be provided by our parish’s Music Ministry.Please be
advised that special effect lighting will be
used.________________________________________________HOLY WEEK
SCHEDULEPalm Sunday Weekend – April 1 & 2Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pmSunday
Masses: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s SupperApril 6 –
7:00pmGood Friday – Service of the Lord’s Passion & DeathApril 7 –
3:00pmHoly Saturday – The Great Easter Vigil MassApril 8 – 8:00pmEaster Sunday –
The Resurrection of our Lord April 9 – 7:30, 9:00 &
10:30______________________________________________________MEN’S LEAGUE
MEETING/DINNERTuesday, March 7th at 6:30 in the church basementCorned Beef &
Cabbage is on the
menu!____________________________________________________KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
NEWSPasta DinnerSaturday, March 25th beginning at 5:30.Location – Our Lady of
Fatima HallAdults: $15.00 / Children (6-12): $10.00 / Under 6: no chargeFor more
information, please call 203-379-6772Palm Cross OrdersOnce again the KOC will be
selling Palm Crosses after weekend Masses during the month of March. Crosses can
be picked up on Saturday, April 1st.